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Penn Prevail Surf Spinning Fishing Rod
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Penn Prevail Surf Spinning Fishing Rod

Product ID: 460428520
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SPECIAL OFFER AVAILABLE 2/1/2019 to 5/13/2019: Free Duffel Bag With Purchase of any Penn Products Totaling $250 or More. Click here for redemption form. The Penn Prevail Surf Rods provide strength and performance with a two-piece graphite composite rod blank. It's not often you can find everything you want in a high-end surf rod at half the price. The stainless-steel frames with aluminum oxide insert create a lightweight and durable guide ideal for fishing mono or braid. The rubber shrink tube handle design on the surf fishing rod provides a secure grip whether wet or dry. The rod is a perfect match for Penn Sargus, Fierce or Pursuit spinning reels or Squall star drag conventional reels. It is very lightweight and is durable for long-lasting use. It is an ideal size and provides great balance, while remaining powerful and tough. You can rely on it to get the job done when fishing for that big one. The carbon shield prevail rods have woven carbon fiber applied as an outer shield to protect rod blanks and guide wraps. 2-piece graphite composite blank Penn surf rods feature graphite reel seat Stainless steel guides with aluminum oxide inserts Rubber shrink tube handles

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